Spring 2024

From the Dean
1 From the dean The dean discusses career prospects for Humanities majors.
Alumni Spotlight
2 Cross-cultural How a Comparative Literature PhD forged a career path supporting Chicago cultural organizations
4 Two perspectives on artificial intelligence A philosopher and a digital artist discuss AI’s ability to communicate (or not) and its role in the creative process.
Graduate Students
6 On the road PhD students discuss the professional and personal benefits of the Fulbright Program.
Young Faculty Focus
8 Romance and representation Junior faculty in Romance Languages and Literatures trace empires and ideologies.
Humanities at Work
10 Read all about it The scoop on journalism from a trio of Humanities alumni
On Campus
12 Tipping point New ISAC director Timothy P. Harrison, AM’91, PhD’95, on how the “contemporary and the ancient past connect and intertwine”
Student Spotlight
13 Double major A student of physics—and classics—finds a path to medical research.