Fall 2024

From the Dean
1 From the dean The dean recognizes the value of incorporating the arts and humanities in the coming months.
Alumni Spotlight
2 Creative misuse Art historian Zsofi Valyi-Nagy looks at new media and artistic collaborations with machines.
4 Two perspectives on video games A media theorist and a scholar of Arabic literature explore the promises and pitfalls of a juggernaut industry.
Graduate Students
6 Crossing sonic borderlands Graduate students trace patterns of music and migration.
Humanities at Work
8 The talking cure Three alumni therapists bring a humanistic perspective to their clients.
Faculty Focus
10 New faculty fall 2024 The Division of the Humanities welcomes 16 new faculty members to campus.
On Campus
13 From Abaza to Zulu The Online Language Archive serves scholars, speakers of endangered languages, and anyone who’s curious.