
Berthold Hoeckner

Associate Professor in Music and the College, received a 2012–13 research leave fellowship from the Franke Institute for the Humanities.

Hakan Karateke

Associate Professor in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and the College, published Evliy Çelebi’s Journey from Bursa to the Dardanelles and Edirne: From the Fifth Book of the Seyatnme (Brill, 2013).

David Schloen

Associate Professor in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and the College, published OCHRE: An Online Cultural and Historical Research Environment (Eisenbrauns 2012), which he coauthored with Sandra R. Schloen. He also received a grant from the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society for the Working Group on Comparative Economics, a collaboration with Alain Bresson and E. Glen Weyl, a Junior Fellow in the Harvard Society of Fellows.

Martha Feldman

the Mabel Greene Myers Professor in Music and the College, received a grant from the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society for The Voice Project, a collaboration with David Levin and a number of other Humanities faculty members to explore the concept of "voice" in an interdisciplinary way. She was also awarded a 2012–13 research leave fellowship from the Franke Institute for the Humanities.

Janel Mueller

the William Rainey Harper Distinguished Service Professor Emerita of Liberal Education in English Language and Literature and the College, received the Josephine A. Roberts Award for the Best Scholarly Edition of 2011 for Katherine Parr: Complete Works and Correspondence (University of Chicago Press, 2011).

Aden Kumler

Associate Professor in Art History and the College, coedited a special edition of the International Center of Medieval Art’s journal Gesta with Christopher Lakey. She also received the University's Llewellyn John and Harriet Manchester Quantrell Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching.

Thomas Christensen

the Avalon Foundation Professor in Music and the College and Deputy Dean in the Humanities, published The Sound World of Father Mersenne: Structures of Feeling in Seventeenth-Century Cultural Expression (Garland Press, 2013).

Marta Ptaszynska

the Helen B. & Frank L. Sulzberger Professor in Music and the College, published "Concerto for Percussion Solo, Orchestra & Electronics" (Polish Music Publications, 2012) and an arrangement of "Variations on Paganini" by W. Lutoslawski (Polish Music Publications, 2012). She also received an award from the American Society of Composers.

Fred M. Donner

Professor in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, the Oriental Institute, and the College, was inducted into the Tunisian Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters.

Janet H. Johnson

the Morton D. Hull Distinguished Service Professor in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and the College, edited The Chicago Demotic Dictionary (Oriental Institute, 2012).


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