
Maggie Fritz-Morkin

Jonathan De Souza

Johanna Semler

Eve Krakowski

John Person

Rachel Goodman

Jason Grunebaum

Senior Lecturer in South Asian Languages and Civilizations and the College, was shortlisted for the DSC Prize for South Asian Literature for his translation of Uday Prakash's The Walls of Delhi (UWA Publishing, 2012).

Wendy Doniger

the Mircea Eliade Distinguished Service Professor in the Divinity School, South Asian Languages and Civilizations, the Committee on Social Thought, and the College, published On Hinduism (Aleph, 2013).

Catherine Sullivan

Associate Professor in Visual Arts and the College, presented a solo exhibition at the Frieze Art Fair in New York and group exhibitions at ICA Philadelphia; Galerie Thaddeus Ropac, Paris; and the Baltic Triennial for Contemporary Art in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Armando Maggi

Professor in Romance Languages and Literatures and the College, edited L'arte del ricordare (Angelo Longo Editore, 2012).


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