Associate Professor in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and the College, published A Treasury of Virtues: Sayings, Sermons, and Teachings of 'Ali, an edition and translation of the Dustur ma‘alim al-hikam compiled by al-Qadi al-Quda'i, with the Mi' at kalimah (One Hundred Proverbs) attributed to al-Jahiz (New York University Press, 2013).
Assistant Professor in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and the College, published Prosaic Conditions: Heinrich Heine and the Zionist Remaking of Literary Space (Northwestern University Press, 2013).
Professor in English Language and Literature and the College, received the Philadelphia Constantinidis Critical Theory Award for her essay “On the Tragedy of the Commoner: Elektra, Orestes, and Others in South Africa.”
Professor in East Asian Languages and Civilizations and the College, published a Japanese translation of his 2012 book Sayonara Amerika, Sayonara Nippon: A Geopolitical Prehistory of J-Pop (Columbia University Press), entitled Sayonara amerika sayonara nippon: Sengo nihonjin wa donoyoni shite dokuji no popyura ongaku o seiritsu sasetaka (Byakuya Shobo, 2012).
Assistant Professor in English Language and Literature and the College, received an Honorable Mention for the Charles Bernheimer Prize from the American Comparative Literature Association for his dissertation, "Careless Engagements: Literature, Science, and the Ethics of Indifference in Early Modernity."
Associate Professor in Germanic Studies and the College, received the University of Chicago Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentoring.
Associate Professor of Linguistics and the College, published Origins of Sound Change: Approaches to Phonologization (Oxford University Press, 2013) and received the Best Paper Award at the LabPhon Conference on Laboratory Phonology.
Assistant Professor in English Language and Literature and the College, received a 2013–16 grant from the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society to support Game Changer Chicago, a joint project with Melissa Gilliam (Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology/Pediatrics) in which faculty, students, and local youth collaborate to develop transmedia games, narratives, and art that explores issues related to emotional health, social justice, and digital literacies.