Romance Languages and Literatures

Alison James

Associate Professor in Romance Languages & Literatures, co-edited a special issue of Littérature, "Valère Novarina: une poétique théologique?" with Olivier Dubouclez (Université de Liège).

Rocco Rubini

Assistant Professor in Romance Languages & Literatures, published The Other Renaissance: Italian Humanism between Hegel and Heidegger (University of Chicago Press, 2014), for which he also won the American Association of Italian Studies Book Prize. He received a grant from UChicago's Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society for "Humanism, the Classics, and the Historical," a project with Boris Maslov (Assistant Professor in Comparative Literature).

Laura Gandolfi

Assistant Professor in Romance Languages & Literatures, organized the seminars The Golden Age Otherwise: Cosmopolitanism and Mexican Cinema, circa 1950 and New Mexican Literary Voices: Luis Felipe Fabre, Susana Iglesias, Valeria Luiselli at UChicago's Katz Center for Mexican Studies.

Ana María Lima

Senior Lecturer in Romance Languages & Literatures, received UChicago's Janel M. Mueller Award for Excellence in Pedagogy.

Frederick de Armas

the Andrew W. Mellon Distinguished Service Professor in Romance Languages & Literatures, served as President of the Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro and was the Honorary President of EMIT (the Early Modern Text and Image Society). He delivered the keynote addresses at the Kaleidoscope Conference at the University of Wisconsin and at the Chicago Cervates Symposium at the Instituto Cervantes, Chicago. He curated "Literary Narratives in Painting” in conjunction the Smart Museum of Art's anniversary exhibit, Objects and Voices.

Felipe Rojas

Sarah Christopher Faggioli

Julia Chamard-Bergeron

Mary Druyvesteyn

Daisy Delogu

Associate Professor in Romance Languages and Literatures and Comparative Literature, received a book publication subvention from the UChicago Humanities Visiting Committee.


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