Romance Languages and Literatures

Thomas Pavel

the Gordon J. Laing Distinguished Service Professor in Romance Languages and Literatures, Comparative Literature, and the College, was named a Commander in the Order of Cultural Merit by the President of Romania.

Larry Norman

Professor in Romance Languages and Literatures, Theatre and Performance Studies, and the College, received an honor for his book Shock of the Ancient: Literature and History in Early-Modern France, which was selected for discussion at an H-France Forum.

Robert Morrissey

the Benjamin Franklin Professor in Romance Languages and Literatures and the College, was appointed to the Astor Visiting Lectureship at the University of Oxford, England.

Rocco Rubini

Assistant Professor in Romance Languages and Literatures and the College, was awarded a 201112 research leave fellowship from the Franke Institute for the Humanities.

Armando Maggi

Professor in Romance Languages and Literatures and the College, published a paperback edition of his 2009 book Petrarch: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works, with coeditor Victoria Kirkham (University of Chicago Press, 2012) and edited De' gesti eroici e della vita maravigliosa della Serafica S. Caterina da Siena, a critical edition of work by Lucrezia Marinella (Longo Editore, 2011).

Frederick A. de Armas

the Andrew W. Mellon Distinguished Service Professor in Romance Languages and Literatures, Comparative Literature, and the College, published Don Quixote among the Saracens: A Clash of Civilizations and Literary Genres (University of Toronto Press, 2011), which received an Honorary Mention for the PROSE Award in Literature; he also coedited Calderón: del manuscrito a la escena with Luciano García Lorenzo (Iberoamericana, 2011).

Phillipe Desan

the Howard L. Willett Professor in Romance Languages and Literatures and the College, edited Les Chapitres oubliés des Essais de Montaigne: Actes des journées d’étude à la mémoire de Michel Simonin. (Honoré Champion, 2011).

Larry Norman

Associate Professor in Romance Languages and Literatures and the College, edited Révolutions homériques (Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2009) with Glenn Most and Sophie Rabau.

Robert Morrissey

Benjamin Franklin Professor in Romance Languages and Literatures, the Committee on Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, and the College and Codirector of the France Chicago Center, published Napoleon et L’heritage de la Gloire (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2010).

Armando Maggi

Professor in Romance Languages and Literatures, the Committee on the History of Culture, and the College, edited Petrarch: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works (University of Chicago Press, 2009) with Victoria Kirkham and Scrittori Inconvenienti: Essays on and by Pier Paolo Pasolini and Gianni Celati (Ravenna: Angelo Longo Editore, 2009) with Rebecca West; his book The Resurrection of the Body: Pier Paolo Pasolini from Saint Paul to Sade was a 2010 Lambda Literary Award for LBGT Studies Finalist, and his Petrarch was named a 2009 Outstanding Academic Title


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