Spring/Summer 2007

From the Dean
1 Dear Alumni and Friends Dean, Danielle Allen
Here & Now
2 Uncovering Chicago's Hidden Archives Moira Hinderer, Chicago, archives, Uncovering New Chicago Archives Project, UNCAP, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
2 Angela Volan Angela Volan, Gifts, Art History, Katherine Malmquist
3 MAPH Enters a Second Decade MAPH, Master of Arts Program in the Humanities, Jeff McMahon
3 Making the Invisible Visible Kristian Kerr, Mark Slouka, English, Creative Writing, novel, The Invisible World, fiction
4 The Fate of the Book in the Digital Age Arno Bosse, Literature, Digital Library Development Center, Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language, technology, books
4 Documenting Endangered Languages Linguistics, endangered languages, language, Kristian Kerr
5 Chinese Studies at Chicago Theodore Foss, China, Chicago, Center for East Asian Studies
6 The Marvelous Real: Marco Polo's Romance Marco Polo, Romance, Europe, Michael Murrin
12 Remembering the English Department Richard Stern, English, Coasting, memoir
On Campus
14 Curriculum Vitae Awards, honors, faculty, publications
15 In Memoriam Harrie Vanderstappen, China, Art, Art History
16 The Archive and the Office David Thompson, Petrach
17 A Selection of Past, Present, and Future Events Events