
Chelsea Foxwell

Assistant Professor in Art History, received funding from the UChicago Arts Council Course Arts Resource Fund and a grant from the UChicago Committee on Japanese Studies.

James Chandler

the Barbara E. and Richard J. Franke Distinguished Service Professor in English Language and Literature and Cinema and Media Studies, was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Françoise Meltzer

the Edward Carson Waller Distinguished Service Professor in Comparative Literature and the Divinity School, delivered the keynote address at UChicago’s Humanities Day in 2013.

Benjamin Morgan

Assistant Professor in English Language and Literature, was awarded a 2013–2014 research leave fellowship from UChicago’s Franke Institute for the Humanities. He also received a Franklin Research Grant from the American Philosophical Society / Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities for research in Edinburgh.

Ming Li

Lecturer in East Asian Languages and Civilizations, received a Chicago Course Connection grant from the UChicago Chicago Studies Program.

Aden Kumler

Associate Professor in Art History, was awarded the UChicago Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentoring.

Bill Brown

the Karla Scherer Distinguished Service Professor of American Culture in English Language and Literature, delivered the keynote lecture for the Charles F. Fraker conference at the University of Michigan.

Julie Orlemanski

Assistant Professor in English Language and Literature, was the Mellon Fellow at the Huntington Library in 2013–14.

John Muse

Assistant Professor in English Language and Literature, received a 2013–14 research leave fellowship from the UChicago Franke Institute for the Humanities.

Cécile Fromont

Assistant Professor in Art History, received the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board’s Fulbright Scholar Award to conduct research in Brazil. She was also awarded the Yale Institute of Sacred Music Fellowship in Music, Religion, and the Arts. She received the College Art Association’s Millard Meiss Publication Grant, as well as grants from UChicago’s Franke Institute for the Humanities and France Chicago Center to organize a conference with Emily Osborn (Associate Professor of African History).


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