
Josef Stern

the William H. Colvin Professor in Philosophy, received grants from UChicago’s Beijing Center, the Franke Institute for the Humanities, the France Chicago Center, and the Norman Wait Harris Memorial Foundation Fund. He also served as the Honorary President of the Association for the Philosophy of Judaism.

David Schloen

Assistant Professor in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, cocurated In Rememberance of Me: Feasting with the Dead in the Ancient Middle East at UChicago’s Oriental Institute.

Augusta Read Thomas

University Professor of Composition in Music, was awarded the Order of Lincoln by the Lincoln Academy of Illinois. She premiered several compositions in 2013–14: “Saxophone Concerto” at the New Haven Symphony, “Bassoon Concertino” at the Double Reed Society Conference, “Starlight Ribbons” at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art’s Bing Theatre, and “Twilight Butterfly” at UChicago’s Logan Center for the Arts. Her piece “Of Paradise and Light” was performed by the All-Star Orchestra on PBS, and her piece “Resounding Earth” was performed at the Chamber Music America Conference.

Marta Ptaszynska

the Helen B. and Frank L. Sulzberger Professor in Music, published Red Rays for Flute and Piano (Cracow: Polish Music Publications, 2013). She received the Distinguished Alumni Award of the Cleveland Institute of Music and was awarded the Gloria Artis from the Secretary of Arts and Culture in Poland for outstanding achievement in the arts.

Kaley R. Mason

Assistant Professor in Music, received a special project grant from the UChicago Committee on Southern Asian Studies for a series of workshops. He was also elected president of the Canadian Society for Traditional Music.

Travis A. Jackson

Associate Professor in Music, received an honorable mention for the Alan P. Merriam Prize for Outstanding English Language Monograph from the Society for Ethnomusicology for Blowin’ the Blues Away: Performance and Meaning on the New York Jazz Scene (University of California Press, 2012).

Martha Feldman

the Mabel Greene Myers Professor in Music, received a book subvention from the Gustave Reese Endowment of the American Musicological Society and book publication support from the UChicago Humanities Visiting Committee Fund. She received funding from the UChicago Provost’s Office for the documentary Put it On: Performing Arts and Education with the University of Chicago’s Contempo.

Anthony Cheung

Assistant Professor in Music, was awarded funding from the New Music USA Composer Assistance Program to premiere SynchroniCities with the Talea Ensemble. He also won the New York Philharmonic Orchestra’s Marie-Josée Kravis Prize for New Music, Commission, and received a commission from the Fromm Music Foundation at Harvard University. His commissioned composition Bagatelles premiered at the Heidelberger Frühling festival, and his piece Lyra was premiered by the New York Philharmonic.

Seth Brodsky

Assistant Professor in Music, exhibited the sound installation Even in Arcadia, there I am at the Play as Inquiry practicum at UChicago’s Richard and Mary L. Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry.

Anne W. Robertson

the Claire Dux Swift Distinguished Service Professor in Music, delivered the plenary address at the 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University.


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