Sofia Torallas Tovar

Associate Professor of Classics and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, received a grant from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain: Proyectos del Plan Nacional for “La Memoria Escrita: Texto, Materialidad y Contexto de las Colecciones papiraceas espanolas.” She curated and edited the catalog for the exhibition Pharoah’s Reeds: A Papyrus Journey Up the Nile” in Barcelona. She translated two works: Obras completas de Filón de Alejandría vol. IV: Sobre los Sueños, Sobre José, Sobre Abraham (Editorial Trotta: 2016) and ESTRABÓN, Geografía: Libro XV–XVII (Colección Clásica Gredos, 2015). She received a grant from UChicago’s Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society for the project “The Transmission of Magical Knowledge in Antiquity.”
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