Patrick Jagoda

Assistant Professor in English Language and Literature, published Network Aesthetics (University of Chicago Press, 2016) and co-authored the exhibition catalog The Game Worlds of Jason Rohrer (MIT Press, 2016) with Michael Maizels of Wellesley College. He received two grants from the National Institutes of Health for “Hexacago: A game-based approach to engaging youth in health and science” with co-investigator and BSD professor Melissa Gilliam. He received Neubauer Family Collegium for Culture and Society Awards for “Gaming Orientation” project with co-PIs Kristen Schilt and Heidi Coleman, and for “Transmedia Storytelling Lab” with co PIs Melissa Gilliam and Alida Bouris. The Game Changer Chicago Design Lab he co-directs with Gilliam received a grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. He also received a Mellon Residential Fellowship in Arts Practice and Scholarship from UChicago’s Richard and Mary L. Gray Center for Arts and Inquiry for the “Imagining Futures” project.
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