Lauren Berlant
the George M. Pullman Distinguished Service Professor in English Language and Literature and the College, published Desire/Love (Punctum Press, 2012), and her 2012 book Cruel Optimism (Duke University Pres) was selected for a seminar at the annual conference “The(e)ories: Critical Theory & Sexuality Studies,” in collaboration with the Humanities Institute of Ireland. In addition to a 2012–13 research leave fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies, she was awarded the Alan Bray Memorial Book Award from the Modern Language Association for Cruel Optimism, which also received an Honorable Mention for the Anne Friedberg Innovative Scholarship Award from the Society of Cinema and Media Studies, and she was named the Northrop Frye Chair in Literary Theory at the University of Toronto, the Charles S. Holmes Distinguished Lecturer at Pomona College, the Gerald LeBoff Visiting Scholar at New York University, and a Visiting Fellow at the John Hope Franklin Center at Duke University.