
Alan Yu

Professor in Linguistics, served as co-director of the 2015 LSA Summer Linguistics Institute and was named a Fellow of the Linguistic Society of America. He received a grant from the Standing Committee of Language Education and Research (SCOLAR) of Hong Kong for “From speech to spelling: Improving Chinese proficiency of non-Chinese speaking students through Cantonese Speech Learning,” and a grant from the Social and Humanities Research Council for “Heritage Languages speakers in Toronto: What do they tell sociolinguists?”

Jason Merchant

Professor in Linguistics, received a grant from UChicago’s Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society for the project “Historical Semantics and Legal Interpretation.”

Lenore Grenoble

the John Matthews Manly Distinguished Service Professor in Linguistics, delivered three keynote lectures: “Language Endangerment: Definition, Ideologies, Theories, and Representations” and “Revitalizing Definitions and Approaches” at the University of Buea and University of Yaounde, Camaroon and “Women’s Education in a Global World” at Mody University, Lakshmangarh, India.

John Goldsmith

Edward Carson Waller Distinguished Service Professor in Linguistics and Computer Science, published Empiricist Approaches to Language Learnability (Oxford University Press, 2016).

Diane K. Brentari

the Mary K. Werkman Professor of Linguistics, received grants from the National Science Foundation, the Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society, and the Templeton Foundation.

Karlos Arregi

Associate Professor in Linguistics, served as co-director of the 2015 LSA Summer Linguistics Institute and was named a Fellow of the Linguistic Society of America.

Victor Friedman

the Language in Daghestan conference at UChicago, and the 20th Biennial Balkan and South Slavic Conference at the University of Utah.

Lenore Grenoble

the John Matthews Manly Distinguished Service Professor in Linguistics, received a Doctoral Dissertation Research grant from the National Science Foundation for work to be conducted by Erin Franklin (graduate student in Slavic Languages and Literatures). She delivered keynote addresses at UChicago's Humanities Day 2014 and the 4th International Conference on Language Documentation and Conservation. She also organized the Arctic Indigenous Language Symposium's Sustainable Development Working Group.

Salikoko Mufwene

the 20th meeting of the International Association of World Englishes at Amity University, and the Symposium about Language and Society at the University of Texas–Austin.

Chris Kennedy

Professor in Linguistics, was awarded the UChicago Faculty Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentoring. He also received a National Science Foundation grant for "Meaning in Context" and a Humanities Visiting Committee Faculty Research Grant.


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