Spring 2003

From the Dean
0 Dear Alumni and Friends Dean, Janel Mueller
What's New
15 Autumn in Paris: The University of Chicago Paris Center Opens Paris, Paris Center, Alumni
Faculty Focus
4 The Pursuit of Endings: Indian Knowledge Systems on the Eve of Colonialism Sheldon Pollock, India, Sanskrit
13 What Matters to Me and Why Holly Shissler, Faculty
Office Hours
8 Language and Politics in the Former Yugoslavia Yugoslavia, Language, Victor Friedman
9 Languages at the Mercy of their Political and Socio-Economic Ecologies Salikoko Mufwene, Language, Language Endangerment
Alumni Affairs
1 AfterMAPH: Catching up with Alumni from the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities MAPH, Alumni, Leslie Bardo, Soo Choi, Patrick Reichard, Samantha Hanford
16 Onward and Upward Alumni, Graduate, Placement, Job
Student Spotlight
12 The Neubauer Family Presidential Fellowships: The First Fellows Arrive on Campus Neubauer Family, Fellowships, Gifts
In Memoriam
7 In Memoriam Kostas Kazazis, Karen Landahl, Faculty