Fall 2003

From the Dean
0 Dear Alumni and Friends Dean, Janel Mueller
On Campus
1 Caught in the Creative Act: Creative Writing is on the Rise at the University of Chicago Creative Writing, Course offerings, literature, MAPH
17 Cultural Events: Calendar of Events on Campus
Faculty Focus
6 Acquired Talents: New Humanities Faculty Faculty, New Faculty
4 Recent Work Work, Publications, Faculty
7 What Matters to Me and Why Charles Larmore, Faculty
Spotlight on Scholarship
8 The Worlds of Philip Bohlman: World Music Scholar is New Chair of Committee on Jewish Studies Philip Bohlman, World Music
10 Discipline and Flourish: The Fellows in Residence Program at the Franke Institute for the Humanities Franke Institute, Fellows, Faculty, Humanities
Honor Roll
14 The Honor Roll Gifts, contributions, donors, donations